If you would like to immediately cancel your subscription and flag the account for a permanent deletion with no options for recovery, follow the steps below.
IMPORTANT! When you manually cancel your subscription, it is terminated immediately, even if there is remaining time on your current billing cycle. This is by the design of the billing processor. If you’d prefer to continue using the service until the end of your current billing period, we recommend waiting to cancel within 24-48 hours of your cycle’s renewal date.
Before proceeding, please remove all visitor and page/link tracker codes from your website. Ensure these codes are completely deleted and no longer appear in the “source code” of your site. You can right-click on a web page, select “View Source” from the menu, and search for TraceMyIP. If you have a premium subscription with the invisible tracker option enabled, please disable it for all projects first. This will help ensure you can properly verify the removal of all tracker codes from your website.
Free subscriptions
Free subscriptions are renewed manually, and if not renewed, the system will automatically close your account and subsequently delete the entire account and all data automatically. However, if you need to cancel your free subscription immediately:
- Login to your account
- Navigate to “My Projects” page and delete all your projects
- Discontinue using your account and disregard any system email messages about your account
- The system will automatically delete your account and all data once it’s flagged as unused
PayPal subscriptions (recurring only)
If you have a yearly PayPal subscription, your account will be automatically closed at the end of the subscription period.
If you have recurring PayPal payments, please follow the steps below.
- Log in to your TraceMyIP account
- Go to “My Account” > “Status Page“. Locate section “Current Subscription” and click on the manage link located next to “Payment Type : PayPal” and follow the steps provided
- Log in to your PayPal account that was used to purchase your subscription
- Locate the original subscription transaction
- Cancel recurring payments
- Stop using your TraceMyIP account
- The system will flag your account for permanent deletion.
Credit card subscriptions (recurring only)
- Login to your TraceMyIP account
- Go to “My Account” > “Status” page. Scroll the page down and click on the [Manage Subscription] link located in the “Current Subscription” section
- On the bottom of the page, click on the [Cancel] and proceed as instructed
- Your account will be immediately canceled and flagged for permanent deletion
After a grace period, once your account is deleted, there will be no option to recover your account since the system does not retain any data or account information after the deletion command is executed. All data about an account is permanently erased from all storage facilities.