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Account and users

  • Adding an authorized user account

    When using requires that each person uses individually created login information. If more than 1 person uses an account at the same time with the same credentials, this can result …
  • You keep getting logged out of your account

    If you are randomly, frequently, or suddenly being logged out of your account without a specific pattern, then there could be multiple reasons involved as to why this happens. This …
  • How to request technical support

    If you have already created a account and are currently using website visitor tracker software, you can send us technical support requests as follows: Login to your account Navigate to …
  • How to delete an account

    To delete an account along with all data accumulated, please follow these steps: Remove the visitor tracker and Link/Page tracker codes from your website and ensure they no longer appear …
  • Account IP blocking vs. Visitor IP blocking

    provides IP blocking capabilities for two different purposes. Account IP/Browser blocking. The primary purpose of an account IP blocking is to prevent the system from logging a specific set …
  • Adjusting account timezone

    A time zone is an area that complies with a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes. Your account can be set to a specific timezone that corresponds …
  • Downgrading an account

    Premium subscribers that are using subscriptions above Level 2, can downgrade their account to a lower level at any time. Any downgrade procedure will delete any visitor tracker data and …