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Subscriptions and payments

  • Changing PayPal subscription payment source

    When you use PayPal to pay for your recurring subscription, the payments are processed by PayPal, which provides notifications to of each payment status. Therefore, does not have control of …
  • What are the benefits of a paid subscription?

    offers both, FREE and PREMIUM level subscriptions. There are significant differences between both types. Free subscription Great for a beginner website that does not bring a lot of traffic or …
  • Downgrading an account

    Premium subscribers that are using subscriptions above Level 2, can downgrade their account to a lower level at any time. Any downgrade procedure will delete any visitor tracker data and …
  • How to cancel a TraceMyIP subscription

    If you would like to immediately cancel your subscription and flag the account for a permanent deletion with no options for recovery, follow the steps below. IMPORTANT! When you manually …