Remove Duplicate Words and Repeated Keywords
Remove duplicate / repeating words and keywords from text separated by comma or spaceThis free text manipulation tool is useful for webmasters to remove repeating keywords and phrases from meta tag strings, text and to reorder a sequence of words in an alphabetic or reverse alphabetic order.
To use this tool, copy and paste your keywords text string with repeating words or duplicate keywords to be reordered into the upper text input window. Click one of the function buttons to remove repeating or duplicate words from the text. To remove a next batch of repeating words, click on the [Clear] button first, then paste the text content with repeating words that you would like to process.
Input Words:    
Output Words:
If you need to remove duplicate words from a comma separated keyword string, add a comma after the last keyword to insure the proper function of this online duplicate keywords removal tool. The [Reset] button restores the sample text provided if you'd like to experiment with this tool's options.
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