Country name to ISO code and ISO Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 batch converter

Country ISO Code Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 Converter

List and batch convert country names to ISO Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 or any ISO code back to country name

What this tool does

  • Converts a full country name to numeric country ISO code
  • Batch converts ISO ALPHA-2 and/or ISO ALPHA-3 codes to country names
  • Batch converts using common separators such as new-line, comma, semicolon, colon, vertical, hash, ampersand, asterisk, percent, plus or dash symbols
  • Validates a list of country names and ISO ALPHA-2 and ISO ALPHA-3 numeric country codes
  • Removes duplicates from the list of country names or codes
  • Allows filtering and removing invalid country names and ISO codes
  • Sorts country names or ISO codes in alphabetic ascending or descending order
  • Capitalizes full country names after conversion from ISO code to country name
How to use this tool:
  1. Paste or type the country names or code list items into the INPUT list text area separated by new-line, comma, semicolon, colon, vertical, hash, ampersand, asterisk, percent, plus or dash symbol.
  2. Pick the options required and click on the [Convert Country List] button.
  3. The results will appear in the RESULT list text area.
Country / ISO code INPUT list
Country / ISO code RESULT list

Additional tips on usage of Country ISO conversion tool

When multiple country ISO codes need to be converted as a batch, separate each item with any separator such as new line or comma and pick the type of separator used from the dropdown menu just below the INPUT list text area.

The INPUT field is not case sensitive. The list of full country names and ISO codes can be lower case, capital case, upper case or mixed case.

Matched and invalid ISO codes options
  • omit invalid - this option excludes any listed entries that have no country code matches
  • include invalid - this will include the entries that were not found in the list of ISO codes and will be prefixed with [::] for easy parsing
  • list invalid - selecting this option will list all entries that were not in the valid list of ISO codes

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