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W3 Total Cache and visitor tracking and analytics issue


If W3 Total Cache is causing the visitor tracking not to work, it is due to the fact that the JavaScript visitor tracker code is being served in a cache and not loaded directly from TraceMyIP servers

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Correcting the issue with W3 Total Cache and TraceMyIP tracking

To resolve the issue with TraceMyIP  visitor tracking and analytics not working:

  1. Disable own IP blocking via TraceMyIP interface
  2. W3 Total Cache: Code minification

    • Go to Performance > General Settings and scroll to the Minify section

      • Uncheck Minify and
      • Press Save Settings & Purge Caches button and test the tracking
    • Go to Performance > Minify and scroll to the JS section
      • Disable the JS minify settings by unchecking the checkbox next to Enable
      • Click the Save Settings & Purge Caches button and test the tracking
    • Disable Lazy Loading from W3 Cache and test the tracking
  3. W3 Total Cache: Test other various options if the first step did not help

    • Re-enable Browser Cache if disabled
    • Go to Performance > Browser Cache > General
    • Disable each cache setting one by one and save all settings and purge the cache after each setting is disabled to see which option might be causing this

More about W3 Total Cache functionality

W3 Total Cache is a popular and feature-rich caching plugin for WordPress. It is designed to improve the performance and speed of WordPress websites by implementing various caching techniques and optimization features.

W3 Total Cache offers a comprehensive set of caching options, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users who want to enhance their website’s performance. Some key features of the W3 Total Cache plugin include:

  • Page Caching: The plugin generates static HTML files of your WordPress pages and serves them to visitors, reducing the load on the server and speeding up page load times.
  • Minification: W3 Total Cache can automatically minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, removing unnecessary characters and spaces to reduce their size and improve loading speed.
  • Browser Caching: It enables browser caching, instructing visitors’ browsers to store static resources like images, CSS, and JavaScript files locally, reducing the need to download them on subsequent visits.
  • Database and Object Caching: W3 Total Cache supports caching of database queries and objects, which can further optimize the dynamic content rendering process.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration: The plugin offers seamless integration with popular CDNs, allowing you to distribute static files to servers located worldwide for faster content delivery.
  • Support for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): W3 Total Cache provides support for AMP, a technology that enables faster loading of web pages on mobile devices.
  • Compatibility with various hosting environments: The plugin is designed to work effectively in different hosting environments, including shared hosting, dedicated servers, and virtual private servers (VPS).
  • Performance Optimization: W3 Total Cache includes various optimization features, such as Gzip compression, browser cache expiration settings, and cache preloading, to further improve website performance.
  • Fragment Caching: It supports fragment caching, allowing specific sections of a page to be cached independently, which can be useful for complex and dynamic websites.
  • Reverse Proxy Integration: The plugin can work with reverse proxy servers like Varnish to boost performance even further.

W3 Total Cache aims to provide a user-friendly interface with detailed settings and configuration options for advanced users. However, due to the wide range of features and settings available, some users might find it a bit overwhelming initially. It’s essential to carefully configure the plugin according to your website’s needs and hosting environment to achieve the best results.

As with any caching plugin, it’s a good practice to regularly test your website’s performance after enabling caching to ensure it’s working as expected and not causing any conflicts with other plugins or themes.

Additionally, keep the plugin and other components of your website updated to take advantage of the latest performance improvements and security fixes.

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